segunda-feira, 2 de março de 2009

Plantas precisam-se!

Descobri no esta referência às plantas. Tendo em conta o stress que tenho tido, acho que vou arranjar umas plantinhas!

"Plants (...) have been proven to reduce stress so well that one glance at a plant lowers your heart rate. They also help clean the air we breathe by absorbing toxins and acting as little oxygen factories. Plants simply make us feel better.
By easing mental fatigue and improving air quality plants manage to find themselves an indispensable part of your home life. Not convinced yet? Studies show that:
1. In addition to calming your heart rate, plants lower blood pressure and reduce muscle tension related to stress
2. Plants help us relax and focus, leading to increased productivity,creativity, idea generation, and problem solving capabilities. In fact, the presence of plants helps so much that it has been shown to relieve the symptoms experienced by children with ADD.
3. Plants help patients recovering from surgery and ease the symptoms of Alzheimer’s.
I guess we’re finally learning what our ancestors have known for centuries, plants are more than just ornaments. At some level, we are deeply connected to them. So much so, that simply cohabitating with them brings us health and repose."

3 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Por acaso, já andava há dias a pensar no mesmo, também por ter lido algo sobre o assunto (no meu caso, curiosamente, foi num livro sobre papagaios). Tenho de ver se vou ao Continente comprar umas, quando receber (sim, dia 2 e ainda tenho saldo negativo). Ah, e aquela história de as plantas sugarem o oxigénio do quarto à noite é apenas uma "lenda urbana". :)

Mosca disse...

A menina não tem plantas?! Mas quem é que consegue viver sem plantas?! ;)

Ka disse...

Estou à espera que me ofereças...uma Corema, por exemplo. :)